I have setup a kubernetes cluster with three nodes. All nodes are Linux centos machines.
I need persistent volume to store data and I am trying to achive this.
I was following this tutorial. But it only covers a one node cluster. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/stateful-application/mysql-wordpress-persistent-volume/
Since, my cluster consist of three node, I could not use local path. Previous tutorial does not worked for me.
I need a network path and using NFS seems a reasonable solution to me. ( Is there any good alternative I would like to hear.)
Using NFS network mount contains two steps. First, Creating a persistent volume on a network path. Second, define this network path as a persistent volume and use it.
Second step pretty straight forward. Its is explained in kubernetes documentation and there is even sample yaml. documentation:https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistent-volumes example: https://github.com/kubernetes/examples/blob/master/staging/volumes/nfs/nfs-pv.yaml
First part also seems straight forward. Its explained in following document
directory_to_share client(share_option1,...,share_optionN)
But when you export a path as a NFS path you should make some configuration and give clients some rights. Basically you need client ip.
With kubernetes we use abstraction such as pods and we don't want to deal with real machines and theirs ip addresses. So, the problem startes here.
So, I don't want to give nodes ip to nfs server. (They might change in he first place.) There should be a better solution that all pods (in any node) should be able to connect to NFS network path.
Even allowing all ip without restriction or allowing an ip range might solve the issue. I would like to hear if there is such solution. But, I would also like to hear what is the best practice. How everybody else use NFS network path from kubernetes.
I could not find any solution yet. If you solved similar problem, please let me know how you solve it. Any documenatation on this issue will be good too. Thanks in advance!
? Because I would expect those addresses to change with the same frequency. Sure, if you are running the cluster-autoscaler then new Nodes might just magically appear, but I would say that's not the typical case – mdaniel