
I'm trying to connect to a Oracle database on a development server with my local Oracle SQL developer ( When I try to connect I get the following error: ORA-0107: invalid username/password; logon denied
Using the very same credentials on the sqlplus (after connection via ssh to the server) works perfectly fine.

The credentials are like: ORA/ora.

After thinking about it, I've other connections on same database with credentials like ora123/ora123 and ORA123/ORA123 that are working fine.

Is there any issue with case sensitive passwords in SQL developer?
Is there any way to overcome this issue?

Do you have a non-default role selected, maybe? Otherwise, are you sure you are actually connecting to the same database? Without seeing what you are doing, perhaps you use a TNS alias for SQL*Plus and it isn't configured quite you expect, or something.Alex Poole
very same credentials on the sqlplus - where is this sqlplus you are running, on your development server or where your local SQLDev is? I'm betting you're talking to a different databasethatjeffsmith
@AlexPoole: It is the same DB. For other user/schema it is working and can be verified by inserting data via sqlplus/SQLdeveloper and retrieving it with the other. sqlplus runns on the server. Connection setting are the same for other schemas/users(I connect via SSH to the server and type sqlplus, than the user than the passoword)PaulEdison
You enter the password when it prompts, not on the command line? That rules out my next guess, that the password has a $ symbol in it. Are there any special characters, or is it just letters? Presumably you've retyped it to rule out typos or extra whitespace. Hmm.Alex Poole
There are no special letters - I tried it several times - the password is really simple like ora (as it is a development environment that gets reset once a week).PaulEdison

2 Answers


Trying changing database parameter SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON to false and they try login.


I think the clue is

after connection via ssh to the server

Sounds to me like the problem is the network connection from your local machine to the database server, and not SQL Developer or SQL*Plus.

You can verify that by installing an instant client with the SQL*Plus package on your local machine.