I am trying to create a flow(1) in which message is received from TCP adapter which can be client or server and it sends the message to ActiveMQ broker.
My another flow(2) pick the message from required queue and send to the destination
TCP(client/server) ==(1)==> ActiveMQ Broker ==(2)==> HTTP Outbound adapter
I want to ensure that in case my message is not delivered to the required destination then it re-attempt to send the message again.
My current flow(1) to broker is :
IntegrationFlow flow = IntegrationFlows
.id(hostConnection.getConnectionNumber() + "adapter"))).channel(directChannel())
and My flow(2) from broker to http outbound :
flow = IntegrationFlows
In case of any exception during delivery for example my destination URL is not working then it re attempt to send the message.
After unsuccessfull attempt it retry 7 times i.e
max attempt to 7
If still the attempt is not successful then it send the message to
(Dead letter Queue) and does not re-attempt again as message is dequeued from actual queue and send toActiveMQ.DLQ
So, i want the scenario that no message will be lost and message will be processed in order.