
I use AngularJS 1.7 and ag-grid 18.0.1.

When I set angularCompileRows to true, I have this error in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '$apply' of null
at eval (rowRenderer.js:586)

This is the code corresponding (this is agGrid code):

RowRenderer.prototype.checkAngularCompile = function () {
    var _this = this;
    // if we are doing angular compiling, then do digest the scope here
    if (this.gridOptionsWrapper.isAngularCompileRows()) {
        // we do it in a timeout, in case we are already in an apply
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 0);

Here my options:

const gridOptions = {
            rowData: null,
            columnDefs: [...],
            enableColResize: true,
            onColumnResized: (params) => {
            angularCompileRows: true,
            suppressCellSelection: true,
            enableSorting: true,
            enableServerSideSorting: true,
            rowModelType: 'infinite',
            pagination: true,
            paginationPageSize: 10,
            unSortIcon: true,
            suppressPaginationPanel: true,
            suppressHorizontalScroll: true,
            onGridReady: (params) => {
                const dataSource = {
                    rowCount: null, // behave as infinite scroll
                    getRows: (rowsParams) => {
                        // call my API then rowsParams.successCallback(data, isLastPage);


The call stack

enter image description here

And the output of the debug option

enter image description here

The grid is rendering: headers are okay, but the content is empty.

Plunker https://plnkr.co/edit/j5ubZWit4CO5zmldgqnl?p=preview based on this exemple https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-infinite-scrolling/#example-2-equal-pagination-page-size-and-large-infinite-block-si and add angularCompileRows: true to options

EDIT: Here a plunker with an angular app https://plnkr.co/edit/7eOKSXbcCzLdYWtPygrS?p=preview

The error is not fired but the angularCompileRows do not seem to be called

@AlekseySolovey the code with $scope.$apply is the agGrid code, it's not mineEloHailwidis
The problem is likely caused by something earlier in the code stack. Examine the entire call stack to determine the origin of the problem.georgeawg
@georgeawg I've had a screenshot of the call stack, if that help. Currently tring to debug it ;)EloHailwidis
the Plunker you provided is not an angularjs app, could you provide your angularjs app that producing the error?Peter Wilson
@PeterWilson i've added a plunker (see my edit). Sorry for this mistake... In my project I'm sure I use an angularjs app, and I have still this error... I don't know how to reproduce it.EloHailwidis

1 Answers


If you're going to use angular with the grid, why not load angular first :). You're not loading angular and you are not using any angular code in the grid, how is it suppose to call $scope.$apply() without that?

Make angularCompileRows = false and your grid works. If you're going to use angular, start with an angular example.