Referring to the image above. I have a Red Node at the center of the screen with a distance of 1.0 unit (1 meter away) [See iPhone Portrait Top View]
What I do is I capture a screenshot of the iPhone screen and the resulting image is 750 x 1334 pixels [See iPhone Portrait Front View]
What I want to do is put 4 Red Square Nodes located on the four sides of the iPhone screen relative to the Red Circle (at the dead center of the screen). I am making this to mark where I did a snapshot. What I want to know is how can I plot a box node precisely at a certain x,y point given z distance. (The value of Z is not fixed, I just used 1.0 as a sample scenario).. I want to plot (0,0), (750,0), (0, 1334) and (750, 1334) at a given z of 1.0 and assuming I am on a tripod, the plotted nodes would appear on the four sides of my iPhone screen.
I am very terrible at math and this problem is so complicated for me to solve alone with my current math skills. Can anyone help? Please?
What I want to do is plot a frame between the screenshot I took
. What do you mean byplot a frame
?plot a frame between the screenshot
and what? Please update your question with some clarifications. Also, please share what you have tried so far – Malik