I'm trying to create a add in for MS Word with VBA. It has a "AutoExec" procedure that creates a new item in the CommandBar("Text") collection (right click menu) and a "AutoExit" that deletes this created item. As an example, I tried the code below that create an item "How Many Pages?", which executes a macro displaying the number of pages in the active document.
This is the AutoExec Code:
Public Sub AutoExec()
Dim objcommandbutton As CommandBarButton
Call MsgBox("AutoExec")
Set objcommandbutton = Application.CommandBars("Text").Controls.Add _
(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
objcommandbutton.Caption = "How Many Pages?"
objcommandbutton.OnAction = "HowManyPages"
End Sub
This is the AutoExit Code:
Public Sub AutoExit()
Dim objcommandbutton As CommandBarControl
Call MsgBox("AutoExit")
For Each objcommandbutton In Application.CommandBars("Text").Controls
If objcommandbutton.Caption = "How Many Pages?" Then
End If
Next objcommandbutton
End Sub
This is the Main Macro Code:
Public Sub HowManyPages()
If Documents.Count > 0 Then
Call MsgBox(ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Number of Pages"))
Call MsgBox("No document is currently active.")
End If
End Sub
When exiting the document, the Button previously added in CommandBars("Text") collection is not deleted. I see this when I open a new blank Word document and the button remains in the right click menu.
I know that the routine is performed correctly because there is a MsgBox instruction to verify it. This only happen with the AutoExit subroutine of a add-in, that is, loaded as a add-in: running the code in a macro with vba module works fine.
Any help?
API was deprecated with Office 2007 and the Ribbon. The article you're linking to references Word97-2003. Have you tried researching how to work with the Ribbon? – Mathieu Guindon