Following the conversation here, is there a way to organize the output dygraphs in a grid? To Have one or more graph in a row.
The code below would generate 4 dygraphs arranged vertically. Is there a way to organize them in a 4x4 grid?
I tried using tags$div
but it wraps all the graphs in one div.
Is there a way to apply a CSS property such as display: inline-block;
to each dygraph widget? or any other better method?
makeGraphs = function(i){
dygraph(lungDeaths[, i], width = 300, height = 300, group = "lung-deaths")%>%
dyOptions(strokeWidth = 3) %>%
dyRangeSelector(height = 20)
lungDeaths <- cbind(mdeaths, fdeaths, ldeaths, mdeaths)
res <- lapply(1:4, makeGraphs )
htmltools::tagList(tags$div(res, style = "width: 620px; padding: 1em; border: solid; background-color:#e9e9e9"))
Current output screenshot: