Please do not use this method. It introduces problems rather than soloves them.
Maybe you can try this wierd way, that is move the QWidget in the dock widget area to the title bar.
I modify the demo in folder
to show how it works:
In "void MainWindow::createDockWindows()"
QDockWidget *dock = new QDockWidget(tr("Customers"), this);
dock->setAllowedAreas(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
//make a panel to hold your widgets
QWidget *p = new QWidget(dock);
QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout(p);
customerList = new QListWidget(p);
<< "John Doe, Harmony Enterprises, 12 Lakeside, Ambleton"
<< "Jane Doe, Memorabilia, 23 Watersedge, Beaton"
<< "Tammy Shea, Tiblanka, 38 Sea Views, Carlton"
<< "Tim Sheen, Caraba Gifts, 48 Ocean Way, Deal"
<< "Sol Harvey, Chicos Coffee, 53 New Springs, Eccleston"
<< "Sally Hobart, Tiroli Tea, 67 Long River, Fedula");
dock->setWidget(new QWidget());//hide the real dock area
dock->setTitleBarWidget(p); //use the titlebar erea to show the content
The demo:
Drag the edge of the panel to move, actually you can drag the empty area (no child widget area). The widget on this panel still functional properly.