I'm working on a Vuejs app that gets its data from an Apache Solr index, and I have had my app working with the index using Axios to make the connection. However, HTTP basic authentication has been added, and I am unable to get authentication to work. The Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header is set on the server (it worked prior to adding the auth to the index), so that is not an issue. I am attempting to use the auth
object in the config object in axios.get()
like so:
const params = new URLSearchParams()
params.append('fl', 'label,bundle,entity_id,ss_language,url,is_product_slideshow')
if (this.nodeType) {
params.append('fq', 'bundle:' + this.nodeType)
} else {
params.append('fq', 'bundle:' + '(article OR document OR video OR product_display)')
params.append('fq', 'ss_language:' + this.language)
params.append('fq', 'bs_status:' + 1)
params.append('fq', '-is_field_restricted_to_internal_use:1')
params.append('fq', '-is_field_restricted_to_author_of_as:1')
params.append('fq', '-is_field_pp_confidential:1')
params.append('fq', '-is_field_pp_do_not_show_item_on_t:1')
params.append('q', qs)
params.append('sort', 'is_sort asc')
params.append('wt', 'json')
params.append('rows', 10)
params.append('start', queryStartRows)
axios.get('https://my-solr-url.com/solr/my-solr-index/select', {
params: params,
withCredentials: true,
auth: {
username: 'myusername',
password: 'mypassword'
.then(response => {
this.results = response.data.response.docs
var numFound = this.numFound = response.data.response.numFound
// Calculate last page.
var numFoundRounded = Math.floor(numFound / 10) * 10
var numPages = numFoundRounded / 10
this.lastPage = numPages
I can get the query to run fine from Postman, so I know I have the correct credentials.
From what I can tell from the docs and other examples, I'm doing it right, but I'm still getting a 401 error.
I also use this index from a Drupal site, and there, the user id and password are passed as part of the URL:
https://myusername:[email protected]/solr/my-solr-index/select?...
but that approach doesn't work here, either. What do I need to do differently to get the authentication to work?
request:axios.get('http://example.com', {}, { auth: {...} })
– Chris