I can a pass custom parameter of type sampler2D
to the Metal fragment function
of an SCNTechnique
and I have a working 2nd pass:
Relevant Obj-C code:
[technique setValue: UIImagePNGRepresentation(myCustomTexture) forKey:@"myCustomImage_sym"];
Metal function parameters:
fragment half4 myFS(out_vertex_t vert [[stage_in]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> imageFromPass1 [[texture(0)]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> myCustomImage [[texture(1)]],
constant SCNSceneBuffer& scn_frame [[buffer(0)]]) { ...
I access and use all these inputs in the shader function. It Works!
So far so good!
However, when I add another custom parameter of type float
[_sceneView.technique setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.5f] forKey:@"blob_pos_sym"];
constant float& blob_pos [[buffer(2)]]
... the passed values never reach the shader function.
I have tried
- using different buffer(N) values up to 6
- having the custom parameter in the vertex function
- type vec3 and float3 instead of type float
- different means of encoding my float to NSData
wrapping my float in a struct
[technique setValue:[NSValue valueWithSCNVector3: SCNVector3Make(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)] forKey:@"blob_pos_"]; SCNVector3 xx = SCNVector3Make(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); [technique setValue:[NSData dataWithBytes:&xx length:sizeof(xx)] forKey:@"blob_pos_"]; [technique setValue:[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:&xx length:sizeof(xx)] forKey:@"blob_pos_"]; simd_float3 x = simd_make_float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); [technique setValue:[NSData dataWithBytes:&x length:sizeof(x)] forKey:@"blob_pos_"]; float y = 0.5; [technique setValue:[NSData dataWithBytes:&y length:sizeof(y)] forKey:@"blob_pos_"]; struct MyStruct { float x; }; struct MyStruct myStruct = { 0.5 }; [technique setValue:[NSValue valueWithBytes:&myStruct objCType:@encode(struct MyStruct)] forKey:@"blob_pos_"]; [technique setObject:[NSValue valueWithBytes:&myStruct objCType:@encode(struct MyStruct)] forKeyedSubscript:@"blob_pos_"];
... and it all failed.
Then I looked at handleBindingOfSymbol:usingBlock: ... but it is GLSL only.
I found it's Metal counterpart, handleBindingOfBufferNamed:frequency:usingBlock: ... which is not available in SCNTechnique.
I Googled SCNTechnique Metal ... and realized all of the projects used sampler2D parameters only.
Finally I learned that this isn't new but bugs developers for years.
Before I go and encode this float in a texture, let me know the missing bit to make it work the way intended.