
I'm working on an idea to create a quiz primarily using the Angular Material Stepper. I have the concept working on my localhost but I'd like to put it on StackBlitz so I can easily share the concept with coworkers with just a link.

I've followed all the steps

npm install --save @angular/material @angular/cdk

npm install --save @angular/animations

NPM Packages

Import the NgModule for each component you want to use:

Module Imports

Include a theme

Theme Import

Gesture Support

Gesture Support

And I'm still seeing a blank screen when I try to use


My full source can be viewed here

What exactly am I doing wrong? This works on my local machine.

If you have the project on GitHub, you can do the following: stackblitz.com/github/{GH_USERNAME}/{REPO_NAME} - might workMichael Doye
Wow that's great. But I'd still like to understand why this isn't working.onTheInternet
Possibly this. Looks like a bug with this version of the stepperMichael Doye
update npm packages fixes it: stackblitz.com/edit/angular-fvsdnq Seems like the cause was angular 6.0.0, recent version 6.0.6 resolves the issue.penleychan

1 Answers


Seems that updating your dependencies solves the issue.

In your screenshot of the dependencies, there's a refresh icon and when clicked, updates your dependencies.

Updated demo