I am using nested routes from nuxt.js: https://nuxtjs.org/guide/routing#nested-routes with a child component: https://nuxtjs.org/api/components-nuxt-child/
To make it easer to understand: I have an events page and a nested postView component. Left you can see a calendar view which stays even if the route changes. To the right I have the postdetails, which are replaced (nuxt child component):
With Nuxt this folder/file setup will setup my router correctly.
This works so far, but now I want to handle the case if somebody enters a non-existent postSlug in the url. So far, it would just not be displayed, but I want to have a proper 404 code. Do I have to set this manually? (I am currently making an axios call from the calendarview to see if the post.json exists. If so, I load it into the vuex store)
// if it is not in store get it via axios
else {
const ax = axios.create({
baseURL: `${window.location.origin}/events`
.then((response) => {
const newActivePost = response.data && response.data.items ? response.data.items.find(p => p.slug === this.$route.params.postSlug) : false
if (newActivePost) {
this.activePost = newActivePost
this.$store.dispatch('data/saveCompletePosts', this.activePost)
.catch((error) => {
But with this I would never get an error. Even if the json file does not exist. I always get a 200 status code.
I am not sure why this is the case, but maybe the response just contains the page without the post itself. Actually the same if I call the url with the missing post. If I have a look at the response string:
<body data-n-head="">
<div data-server-rendered="true" id="__nuxt">
<div class="nuxt-progress" style="width:0%;height:2px;background-color:#000000;opacity:0;"></div>
<div id="__layout">
<div class="Layout">
<div class="SkipNavigationLink"><a href="#main" class="SkipNavigationLink__link">Springe direkt zum Hauptinhalt</a></div>
<div class="no-ssr-placeholder"></div>
<main id="main" class="Layout__content">
<div class="Footer">
<div class="Footer__logo-wrapper">
<div class="Logo"><a href="/" aria-label="Home" class="Logo__link is-active"><img src="/_nuxt/img/logo-dark.0b2ed1f.svg" alt="Logo Image" class="Logo__image"></a></div>
You can see that there is the layout and the footer but no content. My guess would be that if I could return a proper 404 status code in the nested route/child component I would also get a 404 in my axios response.
One – maybe hacky idea – would be to manually set the status code:
.then((response) => {
const newActivePost = response.data && response.data.items ? response.data.items.find(p => p.slug === this.$route.params.postSlug) : false
if (newActivePost) {
this.activePost = newActivePost
this.$store.dispatch('data/saveCompletePosts', this.activePost)
} else {
response.request.status = 404
And then handle the thing differently. But I don't know if that is a good idea...
Some help about nuxt routing/404 handling is much appreciated.
-- - - - - - - Edit I just found this https://nuxtjs.org/api/pages-validate I think this would actually call a 404 but I would not know how to validate, because there is no pattern in the postSlug. I really would have to check with all the json files of the posts...
-- - - - - - Edit 2:
I can't even do that:
TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'status' of object '#<XMLHttpRequest>'