I am newbie to grafana and prometheus. I setup prometheus, grafana, alertmanager, nodeexporter and cadvisor using the docker-compose.yml from this post https://github.com/vegasbrianc/prometheus
And imported grafana dashboard #893 from https://grafana.com/dashboards/893
But the dashboard is not working as I can see N/A in some panels. For example below are the queries used by the panels and I couldn't figure out how to get the values for the template variable in the query. I looked at http://node-exporter:9100/metrics and do not see a value for variable '$server'
Query1: time() - node_boot_time{instance=~"$server:.*"}
Query2:min((node_filesystem_size_bytes{fstype=~"xfs|ext4",instance=~"$server:.*"} - node_filesystem_free_bytes{fstype=~"xfs|ext4",instance=~"$server:.*"} )/ node_filesystem_size_bytes{fstype=~"xfs|ext4",instance=~"$server:.*"})
What should I configure for node-exporter and prometheus to evaluate the template variable $server in the queries?