
I'm trying to count cells within column A of Sheet 1 containing a case-sensitive data and if column B in same sheet is not blank. Currently, I'm able to count the case-sensitive cells using the formula below:


Next criteria to incorporate (besides the one above) would be to count only the values if its adjacent cell in column B is not blank. So far, I've tried incorporating a MATCH(<>"",Sheet1!B:B,0)* and an IF statement to achieve this, but to no avail. I also tried returning it as an array formula, but still nothing. May I ask for your guidance on this. I'm not sure if what I've done are actually on track to what I want to do, but I would love to know and learn a function that does the job. Thanks!

Here's some sample data to better grasp this concern:

Column A       Column B
12mMMmqq          1
sdmMmMqqq         1
ssmMMmree         1
mMmMmM1121        1

So in the above sample data, my current formula would return a count of 4 (cells containing case-sensitive "mMMm"). However, what I wish to achieve is a count of 2 (those meeting the previous criteria and with a non-blank cell adjacent to it).


This can be done very easily with VBA. Would you like to try it out? :)DirtyDeffy

1 Answers



From your explanation in the comments, use:


This assumes C2 in current sheet has the sheet name e.g. Sheet1. And that column A and column F of that sheet are those of interest. You would adjust the ranges ensuring they are the same length

You can use


If in another sheet then add the sheet name in front of the range e.g.


If wanting blanks in col B then use =""

Same sheet example:

Same sheet


Find, unlike Search is case sensitive.

You can use SUMPRODUCT to handle the two arrays. Array 1 is a boolean array of column B <> "", array 2 is column A where Find has found "mMMm" and therefore returned a number. This is wrapped in ISNUMBER generating a boolean array.

Both boolean arrays are converted to their respective 1 or 0 using --.