
I would like to retrieve the list of choices of my choice parameter in my job with the api jenkins

I try this :


But I get just value

"name": "context", "value": "foo"

I would this output :

"name": "context", "value": "foo, foo, ..."

Is it possible ?

the closest I got to getting only the choices was using: ?tree=actions[parameterDefinitions[choices]]RaamEE

2 Answers


Be sure to check out the documentation for retrieving the build parameters for a given job https://javadoc.jenkins-ci.org/hudson/model/ParametersDefinitionProperty.html

You can follow the example given below if you already have a reference to a specific Jenkins job

def paramsProp = job.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class)
if ( paramsProp ) {
    // Single out specific build param
    myBuildParam = paramsProp.getParameterDefinition( 'MY_BUILD_PARAM' )
    println 'Default value for ' + myBuildParam.getDisplayName() + ': ' + myBuildParam.getDefaultParameterValue().value
    println 'Param Type ' + myBuildParam.getClass()

    // Get all build params
    myBuildParams = paramsProp.getParameterDefinitions()
    // ... GET VALUES ETC

The specific items you can retrieve from the build parameter will be contingent on what that parameter type is. You'll need to look up the API for each, for example a ChoiceParameter



Here is an example of method one can use in Jenkins pipeline job:

private String[] getChoices {
   def job = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem(env.JOB_NAME)
   def paramsProp = job.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class)
   def releaseTeamParameter = paramsProp.getParameterDefinitions().find { it.name == "MY_CHOICES_PARAM_NAME"}       
   return releaseTeamParameter.getChoices().toArray()

this method is meant to be executed from within the job itself and you need to specify a parameter name in place of MY_CHOICES_PARAM_NAME