i´m currently trying to index new IRRE ContentElements with Solr in TYPO3.
I have multiple new Elements, like "Tiles" and "Banners" etc.
My index queue is looking like this but its not working (solr needs a minimum of fields -> title, content and url - but i dont want a new url, i want the url from the page where the content is currently displayed... like every text/image element or like the standard elements from tt_content.
My solr config is looking like this:
plugin.tx_solr.index.queue {
extname_tile = 1
extname_tile {
table = tx_extname_domain_model_tile
fields {
header = header
bodytext = bodytext
My tt_content override looks like this
'tx_extname_tile' => [
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:extname/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_extname_tile',
'config' => [
'type' => 'inline',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_extname_domain_model_tile',
'foreign_field' => 'parentid',
'foreign_table_field' => 'parenttable',
'appearance' => [
'collapseAll' => 1,
'expandSingle' => 1,
'useSortable' => 1,
'showSynchronizationLink' => 1,
'showAllLocalizationLink' => 1,
'showPossibleLocalizationRecords' => 1,
'showRemovedLocalizationRecords' => 1,
'maxitems' => 24,
'behaviour' => [
'localizeChildrenAtParentLocalization' => true,