I have this issue: Two or more nodes on cluster and 5 deployment replicas, and I have to use one volume for them. For example I will add one file to first pod and can take it from another, and if my first pod will deleted, I still can take this data from second pod.
I tried kubernetes volumes types like hostPath, but it's didn't work.
I tried NFS but it didn't work. Because we have many instructions, but each of them not full and not correct! Can you please write full instruction, like for junior, ok - like for idiots? I never use NFS, Gluster, but in kubernetes docs information is too short about how to install it and connect to kubernetes.
Now I try using AWS EFS and kubernetes and the same story, a lot of general information, individual instructions, but not consistent. Why, it's so hard for you, explain how it works? I am in fire now, kubernetes documentation about base elements like deployment, services - ok, but about integrations, not basic volumes - awfully!
Maybe some one can help me with it?
Unable to mount volumes for pod "efs-provisioner-5dd9764c6c-gfh5p_default(167f258d-74ca-11e8-8234-02de24ba177c)": timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach/mount for pod "default"/"efs-provisioner-5dd9764c6c-gfh5p". list of unattached/unmounted volumes=[pv-volume]
– Vitalii Honcharhttps://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/blob/master/aws/efs/deploy/manifest.yaml
. – Vitalii Honchar