
In one worksheet, to display the measure value (Sales) of Last 12 Months(LTM) and Previous 12 Months(PTM) from the selected month.

Current Month is 2018-June , By default selection

PTM date range for the sales period as (2016-June to 2017-May) LTM date range for the sales period as (2017-June to 2018-May)

If user selects different month from the drop down, let's select (Apr 2018)

PTM date range as (2016-Apr to 2017-Mar) LTM date range as (2017-Apr to 2018-Mar)


1 Answers


This can be done using a parameter. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Create a date parameter

enter image description here

  1. Create a calculated field as below(You might need to fine tune it to match your exact requirements)

enter image description here

  1. Add the calculated field to filter card to show only 'SHOW'

enter image description here