
I am attempting to create and connect to an Amazon EC2 instance via FidOS. I am following the procedure demonstrated in:

How to Create Amazon AWS EC2 Instance

I logged onto the AWS Console and created a general purpose Ubuntu Server Machine image. I configured the instance details, added storage, added tags, and configured the Security Group just as in the video. I clicked "Review and Launch" and created and downloaded the PEM key. I generated the PPK private key using PuttyGen. I configured my session using the public DNS in the Host Name field and uploading the private PPK key in the Authorization tab.

After I clicked Open, a terminal window appeared, but then timed out.

I am working on a Windows machine, and trying to create a Ubuntu Linux virtual machine.

Am I missing any steps or doing anything wrong? I would appreciate any help I can get.

check if the instance is reached on the ssh port, use telnet <ip> <port>anand
are you sure you have port 22 open on the security group? are you not on a corporate network requiring proxy?gusto2
Thanks for your response. Yes, all the ports are open. The proxy may be the problem.PyNerd

1 Answers


The problem was the corporate firewall. It worked just fine when I tried it from another location.