Please provide your suggestion for following statement:
I need to do a MQ Websphere performance testing. The MQ's are installed on a remote machine. I need to configure with JMeter and need to pass data in format of XML and CSV files to MQ. JMeter is installed on my local machine. I searched online for configurations, where I found following options of configuring it:
- JMS Point-to-Point sampler.
- JSR223 Sampler
- JMS Publisher/Subscriber
The current MQ which I have, has following configuration data:
“host name” “service port” “channel name” “queue manager name” “queue name” “userid” and “password”
Could any one please suggest the best possible way of configuring MQ and sending the test data files. Do I have to install the MQ on my local machine too? Also, kindly provide a link/list of necessary jar files required for the same.
Note: JMeter version is 3.0(r1743807) and IBM MQ Websphere version is : 7.5