I am trying to set a cell background color from a data source, which is where the color is determined, in the plain Javascript version of ag-grid. The cell background color will not change based on user input, it will always be determined on the server and returned in a data set for the grid to update. However, I cannot find any parameter in the rowdata object (or anywhere else) that allows me to define a cell-level background color in the grid's source data.
I'd like to be able to do something like this:
var columnDefs = [
{headerName: "Surname", field: "surname"},
{headerName: "First name", field: "firstname"},
{headerName: "Date of Birth", field: "birthdate"},
{headerName: "House", field: "house"}
var rowData = [
{surname: "Smith" cellbackground=blue, firstname: "John", birthdate: "01/02/2008", house: "Yellow"},
{surname: "Jones" cellbackground=green, firstname: "Paul", birthdate: "03/05/2008", house: "Green"},
{surname: "Green" cellbackground=yellow, firstname: "George", birthdate: "28/04/2007", house: "Yellow"},
{surname: "MacDonald" cellbackground=amber, firstname: "Ringo", birthdate: "14/09/2007", house: "Blue"},
{surname: "Payne" cellbackground=red , firstname: "David", "02/09/2007", house: "Red"}
Naturally, this data will come in a JSON file from my web service, but I am unsure of the syntax of including a background color for a specific cell. I want to apply a background color to just the surname cell (for now). I am also aware that the "cellbackground=amber" syntax is not correct. The background colors will not be worked out on the client side, only on the server side, as they are based on rules defined in a server database.
Any help would be appreciated.