
I'm trying to use Gaussian Mixture models on a sample of a dataset. I used bothMLlib (with pyspark) and scikit-learn and get very different results, the scikit-learn one looking more realistic.

from pyspark.mllib.clustering import GaussianMixture as SparkGaussianMixture
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors


local = pd.DataFrame([ x.asDict() for x in df.sample(0.0001).collect() ])
model1 = GaussianMixture(n_components=3)
model1.fit([ [x] for x in local['field'].tolist() ])




model2 = SparkGaussianMixture.train(
    sc.createDataFrame(local).rdd.map(lambda x: Vectors.dense(x.field)),

[MultivariateGaussian(mu=DenseVector([28736.5113]), sigma=DenseMatrix(1, 1, [1094083795.0001], 0)),
 MultivariateGaussian(mu=DenseVector([7839059.9208]), sigma=DenseMatrix(1, 1, [38775218707109.83], 0)),
 MultivariateGaussian(mu=DenseVector([43.8723]), sigma=DenseMatrix(1, 1, [608204.4711], 0))]

However, I'm interested in running the entire dataset through the model which I'm afraid would require parallelizing (and hence use MLlib) to get results in finite time. Am I doing anything wrong / missing something?


The complete data has an extremely long tail and looks like: enter image description here

whereas the data has a clearly normal dist ceneterd somewhere closer to one clustered by scikit-learn:

enter image description here

I am using Spark 2.3.0 (AWS EMR).

Edit: Initialization params:

local = pd.DataFrame([ x.asDict() for x in df.sample(0.0001).collect() ])
model1 = GaussianMixture(n_components=3, init_params='random')
model1.fit([ [x] for x in local['field'].tolist() ])


I can see that atleast the mu value is similar to three clusters in both approaches. However these values can highly depend on the initialization valuetourist
The mu values are actually not even close. Updated the question with plots.ixaxaar
Can you post a snapshot of your dataset ? or a dummy data to begin with ?Gambit1614
Is there a statistical reason why you couldn't just subsample the dataset?Jeff Ellen
@MohammedKashif I'm afraid I cannot do that, though I can try to generate some similar data, lemme try...ixaxaar

2 Answers


This isn't a python problem, per se. It seems to be more of a machine learning/data validation/data segmentation question, IMO. That being said, you are correct in thinking that you must parallelize your work, but it matters in what ways you do it. There are things like 8-bit quantization and model parallelism in your model that you may look into to help you get at what you're after: training a model on large datasets, in a timely manner, without sacrificing data quality or fidelity.

Here is a blog post about quantization: https://petewarden.com/2016/05/03/how-to-quantize-neural-networks-with-tensorflow/

Here is a blog post about model parallelism and 8-bit quantization from Tim Dettmers' Blog: http://timdettmers.com/2017/04/09/which-gpu-for-deep-learning/

and the associated paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.04561.pdf

Though you will want to keep in mind that, depending on FP operations on your GPU, you may not see substantial benefit from this route: https://blog.inten.to/hardware-for-deep-learning-part-3-gpu-8906c1644664


Also, you may want to look into data folding, but can't remember the details nor the paper I read at this point in time. I'll land this here to remember once I do though.


I really don't know which type of EM alghoritm is used in scikit-learn or in Spark, but i know for sure that if they use SEM (Stochastic Expectation Maximiztion), it should coverge faster than EM. (see this).

However multiple starting techinque is always suggested to avoid saddle points or local maxima.

I really don't understand your plots, they are on different scale, is the second a zoom in of the first? By the way, i suggest you to choose the number of k by BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) and to choose the number of components by this measure.