I'm attempting to create a centralized module to set up my log formatter to be shared across a number of python modules within my lambda function. This function will ultimately be run on AWS Greengrass on a local on-premise device.
For some reason, when I add in my own handler to format the messages the logs are being outputted twice - once at the correct log level and the second time at an incorrect level.
If I use the standard python logger without setting up any handlers it works fine e.g.
import logging
cloudwatch logs
12:28:42 [DEBUG]-main.py:38,test1
My objective is to have one formatter on my code which will format these log messages into JSON. They will then get ingested into a centralized logging database. However, when I do this I get the log messages twice.
def setup_logging(name):
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(name)s, %(asctime)s, %(message)s")
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
logger = logging.getLogger(name)
if logger.handlers:
for handler in logger.handlers:
return logger
import logging
logger = loghelper.setup_logging('main.test_function')
def test_function():
logger.debug("test function log statement")
When the lambda function is now run I get the debug message twice in the cloud watch logs as follows:
cloudwatch logs
12:22:53 [DEBUG]-main.py:5, test function log statement
12:22:53 [INFO]-__init__.py:880,main.test_function,2018-06-18 12:22:53,099, test function log statement
Notice that:
- The first entry is at the correct level but in the wrong format.
- The second entry reports the wrong level, the wrong module but is in the correct format.
I cannot explain this behavior and would appreciate any thoughts on what could be causing it. I also don't know which constructor exists at line 880. This may shed some light on what is happening.
Setting up a global formatter: How to define a logger in python once for the whole program?
Clearing the default lambda log handlers: Using python Logging with AWS Lambda
Creating a global logger: Python: logging module - globally