
I am trying to set the default sound for a push notification sent and have the following message object to pass through.

var message = {
      notification: {
        title: "X",
        body: "X",
        sound: 'default'
      token: fcmToken

I continue, however, to receive the following error in my cloud function log:

Error sending message: Error: Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "sound" at 'message.notification': Cannot find field.

I've tried placing the sound property under the notification object, apns-payload-aps object, and cannot seem to locate documentation on the correct syntax to activate the default sound on iOS.

Any help is appreciated.


2 Answers


"sound" is not a valid key for the "notification" object in the message's structure. "sound" is a platform specific key that you have to set under either "android" or "apns" object.

    notification: {
        title: "X",
        body: "X"
        payload: {
            aps: {
                sound: "default"
    token: fcmToken

Consult this doc for more info


insane, but for me, some reason in appdelegate the window variable was deleted and that resulted into this issue..

adding it back, sound works correctly now...