
I am using p-autoComplete in a table, once a row is selected my auto complete should preselect the current value..I tried using [(ngModel)]="row.bsaName" but it is not working. (Once I click on my dropwdown I see all the values, I confirmed the values do exist on my p-autoComplete dropdown)

also Note I used p-calendar which I was able to pre-select the current date once click on edit and not sure why auto complete is different


        <p-table #dt [value]="iBsaFollowup" dataKey="id" [paginator]="true" [rowsPerPageOptions]="[10,50,100]"

                <ng-template pTemplate="header">
                        <th>Followup DT</th>
                        <th>BSA Name</th>

                <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-row>

                            <div *ngIf="!row.isBSAEditable">{{row.followupDate}}</div>
                            <div *ngIf="row.isBSAEditable">

                                <p-calendar name="followupDate" [(ngModel)]="row.followupDate"  [showIcon]="true"></p-calendar> <span style="margin-left:35px"></span>
                                <span *ngIf="isEmpty(row.comment)" style="color:crimson; font-size:8pt">Required</span>
                            <div *ngIf="!row.isBSAEditable">{{row.comment}}</div>
                            <div *ngIf="row.isBSAEditable">
                                                                       <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="row.comment" style="width:95%" maxlength="200">
                                <span *ngIf="isEmpty(row.comment)" style="color:crimson; font-size:8pt">Required</span>

                            <div *ngIf="!row.isBSAEditable">{{row.bsaName}}</div>
                            <div *ngIf="row.isBSAEditable">

                                <p-autoComplete name="bsaNameList" [(ngModel)]="row.bsaName" [suggestions]="iBsaList"   (completeMethod)="searchBsaList($event)" [style]="{'width':'85%'}" [inputStyle]="{'width':'85%'}" field="name" dataKey="id" [dropdown]="true"></p-autoComplete>

                                <span *ngIf="isEmpty(row.comment)" style="color:crimson; font-size:8pt">Required</span>
                                <modal [row]="row" [disableEditSaveButton]='isEmpty(row.comment)' (deleteRow)="onDeleteToDoList(row)" [showModal]="!row.isBSAEditable" (selectedRow)="onSelectedFollowupdRow(row)" (cancelEdit)="onCancelEdit(row)" (save)="onSave(row)"></modal>
                            <!--<button (click)="editRow(row)">Edit</button>-->




    bsaListVal: IBsaList;
    iBsaList: IBsaList[];
    originalBsaList: IBsaList[];
 searchBsaList(event) {
        this.iBsaList = this.originalBsaList;
        this.iBsaList = this.iBsaList
            .filter(data => data.name.toString()
                .indexOf(event.query.toString().toLowerCase()) !== -1);

    GetBsaList() {
            data => {
                this.iBsaList = data.result;
                this.originalBsaList = data.result;

            error => console.log('xx Method: ' + 'alert alert-danger'));



export interface IBsaList {

    id: string,
    name: string

********************************************UPDATE********************************************** HTML

           <p-autoComplete name="bsaNameList" [(ngModel)]="row.bsaName" [suggestions]="bsaNameArr"   (completeMethod)="searchBsaList($event)" [style]="{'width':'85%'}" [inputStyle]="{'width':'85%'}" field="name" dataKey="id" [dropdown]="true"></p-autoComplete>


        bsaListVal: IBsaList;
        iBsaList: IBsaList[];
        originalBsaList: string[];
        bsaNameArr: string[];
 searchBsaList(event) {
        this.bsaNameArr = this.originalBsaList;
        this.bsaNameArr = this.bsaNameArr
            .filter(data => data
                .indexOf(event.query.toString().toLowerCase()) !== -1);

    GetBsaList() {
            data => {
                this.bsaNameArr =  data.result.map(e => e.name);// data.result;
                this.originalBsaList = data.result.map(e => e.name);

            error => console.log('GetAllAccessFor Method: ' + 'alert alert-danger'));

The problem is row.bsaName is probably a string while the autoComplete is populated with Array of Object and you indicate the field to be name. Binding does not work because of this.Chau Tran
updated my above code..it is an array of strings...so how would I accomplish thatrgoal
can you map your IBsaList to just string[]. Something like: this.bsaNameArr = this.iBsaList.map(bsa => bsa.name) then use bsaNameArr as the [suggestions] for your autoCompleteChau Tran
still not working..updated my above codergoal
What does data.result return?Chau Tran

2 Answers


Just to reconcile everything happened in the comments.

The reason why the autocomplete does not work as expected is because you're binding [(ngModel)] to a string row.bsaName while your [suggestions] is an Array of Object. Hence, binding does not work here. There are couple of ways to fix the issue:

  1. Change row.bsaName or bsaName property on your data to an Object with {id, name} to match the data model of your [suggestions]
  2. Make an array of string e.g: bsaNamesArr: string[] and on your data fetching, map over your data.result to get the name array and assign that to bsaNamesArr this.bsaNamesArr = data.result.map(element => element.name). Now, use bsaNamesArr as the [suggestions] and also use bsaNamesArr in your (completeMethod) as well.

Make sure to remove the field property on your p-autocomplete if you use the 2nd approach.

Good luck!


You can use,


inside the


tag as I have done in my project. Syntax below:

     placeholder="Enter Student name"
  <ng-template let-student pTemplate="item">
    {{ student.name }}
  <ng-template let-student pTemplate="selectedItem">
    {{ student.id }} {{ student.student_name }}

So that if you want to select 2 values from selected suggestions we can do using this.