I am trying to read and write Birthday and Hiredate user properties using Microsoft graph API. I configured below app and delegated permissions.
I am getting access denied error as a normal user but working for azure admin.
Delegate User.Read, User.ReadBasic.All, User.ReadWrite, Directory.AccessAsUser.All (admin only), Directory.Read.All (admin only), Directory.ReadWrite.All (admin only),User.Read.All (admin only),User.ReadWrite.All (admin only),
App Directory.Read.All,Directory.ReadWriteAll (admin only),User.Read.All (admin only),User.ReadWrite.All (admin only)
Please help me which permissions needed for the app to read and write birthday and hire day properties for normal users.
(when signed in as a user) andUser.ReadWrite.All
(when signed in as an app) should be sufficient to access/modify those data – Karlheinz Reinhardt