Dynamically creating a mesh with a hole in it from two lists of vertices I am currently attempting to dynamically create a mesh (2D) with a hole in it. I have a list of Vector3 vertices for both the outline and the hole's outline.
My question:
How would I go about merging these two lists of vertices into a single mesh?
More detail: I have two meshes that overlap, and I'm trying to do a boolean difference between the two, to create a new mesh that will eventually replace the bigger one, to get rid of clipping. Example
Using the Clipper-Library (see http://www.angusj.com/delphi/clipper.php) is of no use, because it returns the same two sets of vertices that I set as input.
I'm guessing I need to somehow fix the triangles for the mesh to create triangles between the outer and inner vertices? (The meshes can be any shape/size, so finding out which vertexes to combine into triangles is no easy task).
Can anybody tell me how I would create a single mesh out of the two vertex-loops?