Suppose I have three equations like [x1+x2+x3, -x1, x1+x2+1]
Is there any function in MATLAB by which I can count the number of symbolic variables of each of these equations?
Thanks in advance.
If you want to know the total number of variables, you can use symvar
as follows:
>> syms x1 x2 x3 % define symbolic variables
>> y = [x1+x2+x3, -x1, x1+x2+1] % define symbolic equation
>> numel(symvar(y)) % get number of sumbolic variables
ans =
To obtain the number of variables of each equation, you can use the following, as suggested by @SardarUsama:
>> arrayfun(@(t) numel(symvar(t)), y)
ans =
3 1 2
This loops over the equations and gets the number of variables of each.