
I have a sensor hooked up to the Raspberry Pi 3 right now, and I am currently trying to read the humidity and temperature sensor data. This sensor was previously hooked up to an Arduino, and I have successfully read the sensor values using the following Arduino code:

vout = analogRead(LM35DZ); //Reading temperature sensor data, LM35DZ = A1
tempc = (vout*500)/1023; //Temperature in Celsius 
readData = DHT.read22(dataPin); // Read humidity sensor data from Digital Port datapin = 8
t = DHT.temperature; // obtaining temperature for DHT sensor
h = DHT.humidity;

I am trying to achieve the same thing on the Raspberry Pi. I rehooked up all the wires and I am trying to get the same sensor data. My dataPin (previously pin 8 on Arduino) is connected to GPIO17 and LM35DZ(previous connected to A1 on Arduino) is connected to GPIO4.

I have two questions:

  1. How do you read analog data from a GPIO pin? I am looking for a similar functionality to Arduino's analogRead() function.
  2. I am reading temperature and sensor data from GPIO17 using the following code:

    import dht11
    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO           
    readData = dht11.DHT11(pin = 17)
    humidityResult = readData.read()
    t = humidityResult.temperature
    h = humidityResult.humidity

    But currently it's not reading any data (temperature and humidity give 0).

If anyone knows the solution to these two problems, please let me know!

Gpio pins do not read analog; only 1 and 0whackamadoodle3000

1 Answers


Cant do comments. (sorry)

Do you have an resistor between your power and dq pin? Might have an electrical technical drawing of your setup?