I have been writing stochastic PDE simulations in Julia, and as my problems have become more complicated, the number of independent parameters has increased. So what starts with,
eventually becomes
and it results in (1) messy code, (2) increased chance of error due to misplaced function arguments, (3) inability to generalise for use in other functions.
(3) is important, because I have made simple parallelisation of my code to evaluate many different runs of the PDEs. So I would like to convert my functions into a form:
where args contains all the relevant arguments. The problem I am finding with Julia, is that creating a struct
containing all my relevant parameters as attributes slows things down considerably. I think this is due to the continual accessing of the struct attributes. As a simple (ODE) working example,
function example_fun(N,dt,a,b)
V = zeros(N+1)
U = 0
z = randn(N+1)
for i=2:N+1
V[i] = V[i-1]*(1-dt)+U*dt
U = U*(1-dt/a)+b*sqrt(2*dt/a)*z[i]
return V
If I try to rewrite this as,
function example_fun2(args)
V = zeros(args.N+1)
U = 0
z = randn(args.N+1)
for i=2:args.N+1
V[i] = V[i-1]*(1-args.dt)+U*args.dt
U = U*(1-args.dt/args.a)+args.b*sqrt(2*args.dt/args.a)*z[i]
return V
Then while the function call looks elegant, it is cumbersome to rework accessing every attribute from the class and also this continual accessing of attributes slows the simulation down. What is a better solution? Is there a way to simply 'unpack' the attributes of a struct so they do not have to be continually accessed? And if so, how would this be generalised?
edit: I am defining the struct I use as follows:
struct Args
edit2: I have realised that structs with Array{} attributes can give rise to a performance difference if you do not specify the dimensions of the array in the struct definition. For example, if c is a one-dimensional array of parameters,
struct Args_1
will give far worse performance in f(args) than f(N,c). However, if we specify that c is a one-dimensional array in the struct definition,
struct Args_1
then the performance penalty disappears. This issue and the type instability shown in my function definitions seem to account for the performance difference I encountered when using a struct as the function argument.
. As the answerer has suggested, it is possible you have introduced type instability in your struct definition. Could you post how you define your struct? Also, one other alternative to your own struct would be splatting. There might be a performance hit to using splatting though - I'm not certain, you'd have to try it. Personally, I think the struct solution is the right one. – Colin T Bowers