I'm playing with NLTK and I meet a problem with the grammar. (I didn't find any topics about this problem) For example with a grammar gram.cfg:
S -> NP VP
NP -> 'I'
ADJ -> 'tall' | 'big' | 'white'
V -> 'am'
WHO -> 'Groot'
and the sentence "I am tall Groot" it's worked. I want to have a grammar like
VP -> V (ADJ)* WHO
to have the possibility to obtain sentences like:
"I am white big tall Groot"
"I am big Groot"
"I am tall white Groot"
Only with the same rule VP
How can I do to multiply possibilities with one grammar rule (as showed in example) ?
Is there a documentation about that ? (dynamic rules, about optional rules, undefined number of rules ...etc)