
I want to use chrome to display a full-screen html page for a presentation. You can set chrome to fullscreen mode, but it seems the only way to exit is moving the mouse to the top of the screen and clicking:

enter image description here

I don't want to disable the ability to exit full-screen, I just want to make it so the only way to exit is via pressing the ESC key, not the mouse position. That way basically browser "admin" are the only ones who can get out of the presentation. Is that possible in Firefox or Chrome? Could I write an extension for this if it's not possible?

I do hope it's not possible. I don't want web-sites to be able to emulate, or prevent my access to, my desktop by preventing me from reducing the screen-size of my browser.David says reinstate Monica
i agree, i just need it to work like flash, where escape is what gets you out, not the mouse position. can firefox do this?Lance Pollard
I don't think this is possible from within the web site, but it should/might be possible to write an extension.Pekka
what about: chrome.exe -kiosk file:///your/presentation.html ?drudge
jnpcl, how would you run chrome.exe --kiosk from (in-browser) JS??DrStrangeLove

2 Answers


Using my comment for an Answer:

Chrome implemented 'Kiosk Mode' in version This is, essentially, a way to launch the browser in fullscreen mode with the Address Bar and Status Bar disabled. Some keyboard shortcuts (Fullscreen, for example) are also disabled.

On Windows: chrome.exe -kiosk http://yoursite.com/file.html

On everything else: chromium-browser --kiosk http://yoursite.com/file.html

Note: Use your 'exit program' keyboard combo to kill it.


For firefox, the add-on R-kiosk doea a similar job: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/r-kiosk/

I have used it before and it used to be pretty good for kiosk type applications. Haven't needed it in a while though.

To exit, you need to start firefox in safe mode and disable the add-on, which works very well for kiosk purposes.