I just read the https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/passport documentation and I have some doubts that hopefully someone could help me with:
First, some context, I want to use Passport as a way to provide Oauth authentication for my mobile app (first-party app).
When I use
php artisan passport:client --password
I get back a Client ID and a Client Secret. Does this value have to be fixed on my app? for example storing them hardcoded or as a "settings" file? If the values shouldn't be stored then how should it work?To register a user to my app I use:
I get that the accessToken will be the one used for sending on all my requests as a Header (Authorization => Bearer $accessToken) but what exactly is "The-App" value for?For login the user I'm using the URL: http://example.com/oauth/token and sending as parameters:
{ "username": "user@email.com", "password": "userpassword", "grant_type": "password", "client_id": 1, // The Client ID that I got from the command (question 1) "client_secret": "Shhh" // The Client Secret that I got from the command (question 1) }
When I login the user using the previous endpoint I get back a refresh_token, I read that I could refresh the token through http://example.com/oauth/token/refresh but I try to request the refresh I got Error 419, I removed the url oauth/token/refresh from the csrf verification and now I get back
"message": "Unauthenticated."
, I'm making the following request:Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded grant_type: refresh_token refresh_token: the-refresh-token // The Refresh Token that I got from the command (question 3) client_id: 1 // The Client ID that I got from the command (question 1) client_secret: Shhh // The Client Secret that I got from the command (question 1) scope: ''
Should I use this endpoint? or is not necessary given the app I'm trying to develop.
- Finally, there are a lot of endpoints that I get from passport that I don't think I will use for example:
is there a way to remove them from the endpoints published by passport?
Thanks a lot for your help!
for generating access token – Wellwisher