I am building an IOS app using IONIC.
When I first launch the App in simulator or real device, the app is stuck on splash screen. Platform ready event is never getting called and thus splashscreen is never hidden. But it works fine after I kill the app and launch again. No idea which direction should I look in. Here is my ionic info
@ionic/cli-utils : 2.0.0-rc.6 ionic (Ionic CLI) : 4.0.0-rc.6
global packages:
cordova (Cordova CLI) : 8.0.0
local packages:
@ionic/app-scripts : 3.1.9 Cordova Platforms : android 7.0.0 ios 4.5.4 Ionic Framework : ionic-angular 3.9.2
Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1 ios-deploy : 1.9.2 NodeJS : v8.9.1 npm : 6.0.0 OS : macOS High Sierra Xcode : Xcode 9.4 Build version 9F1027a
Environment Variables:
ANDROID_HOME : /Users/ashfaq/Library/Android/sdk/