
when I compile sbt code(Reactive Messaging Patterns)

it went error in build.sbt of this line:

scalaSource in Compile <<= (baseDirectory in Compile)(_ / "src")

error msg is: error: <<= operator is removed. Use key := { x.value } or key ~= (old => { newValue }). See http://www.scala-sbt.org/1.0/docs/Migrating-from-sbt-012x.html

How to correct the sbt code to solve it?Kenny. Kong
The error message tells you exactly what you should do, and it contains a link with further explanations. Can you show your code after you have applied the fix the error message tells you to do and tell us what exactly doesn't work with your code after you applied the fix? Also, it would be good if you could write to the SBT developers or file a bug explaining what precisely you don't understand about that migration guide the error message links to, so that the SBT developers can improve the migration guide so that other developers don't run into the same problem.Jörg W Mittag

1 Answers


According sbt documentation you should change it as follows:

scalaSource in Compile := baseDirectory.value / "src"