
I've exported MySQL Database following the MySQL Export Guide successfully.

Now, I'm trying to import MySQL Database following the MySQL Import Guide.

I've checked the permissions for the service_account_email I'm using, and I have allowed both Admin SQL and Admin Storage permissions.

I was able to successfully activate my service account using this command locally:

gcloud auth activate-service-account <service_account_email> --key-file=<service_account_json_file>  

After I ran the command:

gcloud sql import sql <instance> <gstorage_file> --database=<db_name> --async

I got this information:

  "error": {
    "errors": Array[1][
        "domain": "global",
        "reason": "required",
        "message": "Login Required",
        "locationType": "header",
        "location": "Authorization"
    "code": 401,
    "message": "Login Required"

Other Things I've Tried

I also tried using the service_account_email of my SQL instance, which came from:

gcloud sql instances describe <instance_name>

But, it seems to have the same error.


Based on the REST API JSON error I'm given, how do I "login" using the service_account_email so I wouldn't get the 401 Error?

Some questions: do you have CloudSQL and GCS in the same project? Do you have 2nd Generation instances? If all of them are affirmative, have you provided the permissions mentioned in step 6 (Add the service account to the bucket ACL as a writer) and 7 (Add the service account to the import file as a reader) of the manual you posted?Rubén C.
Yes, I have CloudSQL and GCStorage in the same project. My MySQL instance is a 2nd Generation instance. I have added my service account as a writer and reader successfully (following the MySQL Import Guide).Franz Noel

4 Answers


Problem is about the permission of database instance service account to write on created bucket. Steps to solve this issue

1) Go to your Cloud SQL Instance and copy service account of instance (Cloud SQL->{instance name}->OVERVIEW->Service account)

2) After copy the service account, go the Cloud Storage Bucket where to want to dump and set desired permission to that account (Storage->{bucket name}->permissions->add member).


The cloud SQL instance is running under a Google service account that is not a part of your project. You will need to grant this user permissions on the file in Cloud Storage that you want to import. Here is a handy dandy bash snippet that will do that.

SA_NAME=$(gcloud sql instances describe YOUR_DB_INSTANCE_NAME --project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --format="value(serviceAccountEmailAddress)")
gsutil acl ch -u ${SA_NAME}:R gs://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME;
gsutil acl ch -u ${SA_NAME}:R gs://${YOUR_BUCKET_NAME}/whateverDirectory/fileToImport.sql;

The first line gets the service account email address. The next line gives this service account read permissions on the bucket. The last line gives the service account read permissions on the file.


After performing some research, and based in the permission error, these are the steps that I find more useful for you to troubleshoot the issue:

In order to easier test ACLs and permissions, you can:

You might need to grant additional IAM role such as 'roles/storage.admin' to service account in question, see more information here.


Google also has some of the worst error reporting around. If you get this error message it might also be that you entered a PATH incorrectly. In my case it was my path to my bucket directory. Go figure, I don't have permissions to access a bucket that doesn't exist. Technically correct but hardly useful.