
I'm trying to initialize h2o on my windows machine using h2o.init(). It was working fine till yesterday, but today it's taking too long to initialize and is giving warning messages:

 Connection successful!

R is connected to the H2O cluster: 
    H2O cluster uptime:         5 days 23 hours 
    H2O cluster timezone:       America/New_York 
    H2O data parsing timezone:  UTC 
    H2O cluster version: 
    H2O cluster version age:    19 days  
    H2O cluster name:           H2O_started_from_R_tfx859 
    H2O cluster total nodes:    1 
    H2O cluster total memory:   0.46 GB 
    H2O cluster total cores:    8 
    H2O cluster allowed cores:  8 
    H2O cluster healthy:        FALSE 
    H2O Connection ip:          localhost 
    H2O Connection port:        54321 
    H2O Connection proxy:       NA 
    H2O Internal Security:      FALSE 
    H2O API Extensions:         Algos, AutoML, Core V3, Core V4 
    R Version:                  R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23) 

Warning in .h2o.__checkConnectionHealth() : H2O cluster node is behaving slowly and should be inspected manually Warning in .h2o.__checkConnectionHealth() : Check H2O cluster status here: http://localhost:5/3/Cloud?skip_ticks=true

How do I solve this problem?

Also, it's throwing errors after making a connection to h2o when I'm trying to convert a data frame to h2o object using test.h2o <- as.h2o(test).


2 Answers


The error message is telling you that one of your nodes is behaving slowly (something's gone wrong on that machine to have it behave slowly, not an H2O issue). My recommendation is to shut down the H2O cluster using h2o.shutdown(), then restart all your nodes, and then re-start the H2O cluster. That should fix it.


Notice this:

H2O cluster total memory: 0.46 GB

This is far too little memory for H2O to run. I recommend nothing less than 5 GB.