Hello :) I wonder if there is a script/Google script that takes several Google Docs Documents with the same table inside,same structure(I mean table with first name,last name,age,classroom,final grade) and puts everything in a Google Spreadsheet table so that each row identify a student to have a collection of all the students in my year and if I modify a Google Document of a student it will modify in the spreadsheet and vice-versa if I modify the data in the speadsheet(like the classroom) it will modify in the Google Doc ? Thank you very much and I know that there is autoCrat but for each student I have a Google Doc file and I would be perfect to have a spreadsheet table.
Edit : I a very sorry if my question doesn't repect your policy I've tried this code :
var doc=DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body=doc.getBody();
var numChildren=body.getNumChildren();
for(var i=0;i<numChildren;i++)
var child=body.getChild(i);
var numrows = child.asTable().getNumRows();
for(var j=0;j<numrows;j++)
var numcells=child.asTable().getRow(j).getNumCells();
for(var k=0;k<numcells;k++)
var celltxt=child.asTable().getCell(j, k).editAsText().getText();
but to export after that in a spreadsheet I am blocked :( if you have an idea