following is my HTML
<mat-tab-group class="tab-content" [selectedIndex]="activeTabIndex" (selectedIndexChange)="changeActiveTab($event)">
<div *ngFor="let tabId of tabCollection; let i = index;">
<mat-tab class="tab-content">
<ng-template mat-tab-label>
Query {{ tabId }}
<button mat-icon-button *ngIf="possibleToDestroyTab()" (click)="closeTab(i)">
<div class="tab-content">
<app-build-component [myid]="tabId"></app-build-component>
<app-view-component id={{tabId}}_view></app-view-component>
<mat-tab *ngIf="possibleToCreateTab()" disabled>
<ng-template mat-tab-label>
<button mat-icon-button (click)="addTab()">
for every tab, I create app-build-component and app-view-component dynamically. But while loading the data, every tab loads the same data and does not differentiate between tabs. Any help is appreciated. When I remove the Tabs part the components individually works fine. Is there a way to create new instances of app-build-component and app-view-component, every time the ngFor is executed and bind it to the current Mat-tab instance under execution?