Firstly I looked up every OleDbException "Disk or network error" topics but nothing solved my problem. Im developing a program for my office on Windows Forms and using access database. When I test the program in local everything is fine(db is in the local computer). But when I moved up the database into the shared folder (office server) , its starting to throw Disk or Network Error while connecting to db(not every connection).
- I can read user table data (it means select command working)
- But i cant read hours table data (but sth is wrong)
- I can add new hours to table (insert command working)
- But i cant add a new user (sth is wrong as well)
Connection String:
OleDbConnection db = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\Ug_Filesrv\Ug_Proje$\0140_SAU_CAE_Library\FOKS Database\FOKS_Database.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=123456;");
Note: I cant change the database type , only access Database allowed.
Any help needed. Thank you.
<identity impersonate="true" username="user" password="password" />
in yourweb.config
? – Dungeon