I am a little bit confused with tombstones affect Cassandra reads. Here is the first situation:
There is a Cassandra table:
pagehash text,
url text,
address text,
PRIMARY KEY ((pagehash), url)
I insert two entries into this table:
INSERT INTO url_mappings (pagehash1, url1, address1)
INSERT INTO url_mappings (pagehash2, url2, address1)
Then I use nodetool flush on this table and clearly see two values saved (using sstabledump).
Then I update address value in the first record:
UPDATE url_mappings SET address='updated' WHERE pagehash='pagehash2' AND url='url2';
Once again I use nodetool flush on this table and see a tombstone added for the first entry address column.
Ok, now I read these values via
SELECT * FROM url_mappings;
with TRACING ON set in sqlsh. I see that 2 up to date entries were returned with the following debug output:
Read 2 live rows and 0 tombstone cells
AFAIK upgrade does not constitute as tombstone, however I can see that multiple SSTables were read in order to return the result.
Once I delete the first record - I can see the following in the output while reading all table values again:
Read 1 live rows and 1 tombstone cells
That is what I expect to see. However when I execute this query for the remained record:
SELECT pagehash, url, address, ttl(address) FROM url_mappings WHERE pagehash='somethin2';
I see the following tracing info:
Read 1 live rows and 0 tombstone cells
The question is why tombstones are only picked up in case when there is no columns specified in WHERE clause?