I am mapping real-world coordinates to the ARKit/SceneKit world and I am finding that at times, the rotation of the world is off.
My understanding that is that when using the following configuration, true north is -Z.
let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
configuration.worldAlignment = .gravityAndHeading
Also True North can only be calculated by knowing your current location. I am assuming that the GPS location is taken to a certain accuracy and applied to find out the True North heading.
I would like to know what accuracy ARKit uses in order to decide whether I need to perform some sort of offset or average and adjust the camera to compensate.
If the heading is off then items that are a few hundred metres away will tend to be noticeable. Also if the GPS location accuracy changes, I assume that the True North heading will also change and everything will move.
My goal is to stabilise items within the ARKit world.