
Are there any good (if possible scientific) resources available (web or books) about overlap processing. I am not that interested in the effects of using overlap processing and windows when analyzing a signal, since the requirements are different. It is more about the following Real Time situation: (I am currently dealing with audio signals)

  • Dividing a signal into smaller parts.
  • Creating overlap windows.
  • FFTing the windowed chunks.
  • Do processing in the frequency domain.
  • IFFT the results.
  • put the chunks together to a continuous stream.

I am especially interested in the influence of the window used on the resulting error as well as the effect of the overlap length. However I couldn't find any good resources that deal with the subject in detail. Any suggestions?


After some discussions if using a window function is appropriate, I found a decent handout explaining the overlap and add/save method. http://www.ece.tamu.edu/~deepa/ecen448/handouts/08c/10_Overlap_Save_Add_handouts.pdf

However, after doing some tests, I noticed that the windowed version would perform more accurate in most cases than the overlap & add/save method. Could anybody confirm this? I don't want to jump to any conclusions regarding computation time though....


Here are some graphs from my tests:

I created a signal, which consists of three cosine waves enter image description here

I used this filter function in the time domain for filtering. (It's symmetric, as it is applied to the whole output of the FFT, which also is symmetric for real input signals) enter image description here

The output of the IFFT looks like this: It can be seen that low frequencies are attenuated more than frequency in the mid range. enter image description here

For the overlap add/save and the windowed processing I divided the input signal into 8 chunks of 256 samples. After reassembling them they look like that. (sample 490 - 540) enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

It can be seen that the overlap add/save processes differ from the windowed version at the point where chunks are put together (sample 511). This is the error which leads to different results when comparing windowed process and overlap add/save. The windowed process is closer to the one processed in one big junk.

However, I have no idea why they are there or if they shouldn't be there at all.

that's an interesting page, however they focus more on dividing the signal in the frequency domain in smaller bands and dealing with that. It's more about creating filter bands than processing a continuous time domain signal in the frequency domain (which is what I am looking for).st-h
Udo Zoelzer is somebody working in this field. "Googling" him might help.AudioDroid
Fast convolution is another way of relating to what you are looking for.AudioDroid
I've written a couple of examples of overlap-save processing in stackoverflow.com/questions/2929401/… and stackoverflow.com/questions/3775912/fourier-space-filtering. In my experience, the best way to understand what's happening is to graph the intermediate results of each block in the time domain.mtrw

3 Answers


This is fairly well-known area of signal processing, and generally speaking if you are doing processing along the lines of FFT -> spectral processing -> IFFT you need to use the "overlap and add" approach. Cross-correlation of two inputs is a classic example, done much more easily in the spectral domain than the time domain.

Here's a short paper I found right away via Google (I just searched for "fft overlap and add"): http://www.coe.montana.edu/ee/rmaher/ee477/ee477_fftlab_sp07.pdf

I would recommend you invest in a good Signal Processing book, such as the classic Rabiner & Gold "Theory and application of digital signal processing" (Prentice-Hall ISBN 0-13-914101-4). That should cover the concept of overlap-and-add processing.


When using an FFT for overlap-add or overlap-save fast convolution filtering, normally you don't want to use a windowing function. The circular windowing artifacts cancel out when combining successive FFT frames in canonical overlap add/save filtering.


If you do use a non-rectangular window, you might want to make sure that all the overlapped frames of windows sum to DC, otherwise your resulting filtered signal will have amplitude scalloping. Rectangular windows and raised-cosine (von Hann) windows will sum to DC if the overlap amount is an exact submultiple of the window width (except, of course, at the very start and end of the overlap sequence).


I have been playing with this attempting to answer the question for myself as to why one would use a window. My only references to a synthesis window are this: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/sasp/Inverse_FFT_Synthesis.html



Stephan Bernsee has some good overview information. His smbpitchshift code uses a synthesis window -- He uses the raised cosine on the input block, then applies it again on the output block, but this I believe is necessary because the pitch shifting algorithm is not a linear filtering operation, so it is certain there may be discontinuous artifacts on the window boundaries, thus a synthesis window is used to create a smooth transition between frames.

I think the reason there is not much information specifically addressing windowing for frequency domain real-time convolution is because it doesn't have a practical application unless you also need to do some analysis (ie, and adaptive filter of some sort), then the topics related to spectral spreading is again of interest.

I have plotted outputs from a filtered signal using both a raised cosine window as well as overlap-add method, and the end result is an identical IR, and identical signals. It comes as no surprise since the same operations performed in the time domain yield the same results.

On the other hand, if I implement a broken filter kernel, a smooth windowing function can help mask artifacts. This in a sense windows the broken IR so there is a more cohesive transition between frames. It would still be better to have an IR that is limited to length nfft/2 in the time domain. If you need to obtain a filter response with an IR longer than nfft/2, then you should consider either using a larger FFT size (if latency is not a problem) or use a partitioned convolution scheme:




I hope that is helpful to somebody reading this

I hope those links help, even though it doesn't directly address windowing as used in real-time Frequency domain filtering.