I declared my roles with parameters.yml and I want to access them from my User entity for the getRoles function (from the UserInterface https://api.symfony.com/3.4/Symfony/Component/Security/Core/User/UserInterface.html#method_getRoles ).
role_global_admin: ROLE_GLOBAL_ADMIN
role_admin: ROLE_ADMIN
role_manager: ROLE_MANAGER
I wanted to access my parameters thanks to the service definition but I learned this is strictly forbidden in symfony (for the entities). Entities shouldn't have dependencies.
* Returns the roles granted to the user.
* @return (Role|string)[] The user roles
public function getRoles()
if (true === $this->isGlobalAdminRole()) {
return null == $this->getSymfonyOrganigramRole() ? ['ROLE_MANAGER'] : [$this->getSymfonyOrganigramRole()];
I want to access the role_global_admin parameter for example and not its value directly. getRoles() is executed automatically during the connexion to give the user a role.
How can I achieve that, I want my roles to be centralized in the parameters file.