
Based on documentaion

Attribute routing can be combined with convention-based routing. To define convention-based routes, call the MapHttpRoute method.

I want every route to start with api. For example i want the route to be http://localhost:40000/api/client/{id}/batch/approve so here is my WebApiConfig class

public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        // Web API routes

            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

Then in controller i have

public class BatchController : ApiController
    private readonly MyService _service;
    public BatchController(MyService service)
        _service = service;

    public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Approve(int id, RequestDTO request)
        return Ok(await _service.Approve(clientID,request).ConfigureAwait(false));

When client invoke this route, it receives 404 Not Found response. However if i prefix api in Route attribute like below then it worked


Why convention based routing not prefixing api to route, why i also need to explicitly add api prefix to Route attribute

Because they are completely separate routes in the route table. You can add a route prefix to the controller to avoid having to repeat it on the action sNkosi

1 Answers


You must set RoutePrefixAttribute for the controller:

[RoutePrefix("api")] public class BatchController : ApiController { [HttpPost] [Route("client/{id}/batch/approve")] public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Approve(int id, RequestDTO request) { ... } }
