It is possible to get hystrix metrics information in a similar way as done in the spring-boot 1.5?
In 1.5 metric endpoint I have something like this:
"gauge.servo.hystrix.hystrixcommand.[service-name].[method].errorcount": 0,
"gauge.servo.hystrix.hystrixcommand.[service-name].[method].requestcount": 0,
"gauge.servo.hystrix.hystrixcommand.[service-name].[method].latencytotal_mean": 0,
But now with actuator/metric endpoint that uses Micrometer, I can't find any reference to the terms "hystrix", "netflix", etc.
I alredy configured my application with @EnableCircuitBreaker
and hystrix:metrics:enabled: true
There is some way tho get this information without using the endpoint as I was able before? Or this should be working and am I doing something wrong?