I am using Azure Search in one of my projects and have a requirement to search case insensitive email addresses. E.g. emusk@gmail.com, EMusk@gmail.com, eMusk@gmail.com should all return the same result. I am using custom analyzer while creating an index (uax_url_email) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-in/rest/api/searchservice/custom-analyzers-in-azure-search#AnalyzerTable
Here is the portion of index
"name": "Username",
"type": "Edm.String",
"searchable": true,
"filterable": false,
"sortable": false,
"facetable": false,
"analyzer": "email_analyzer"
"analyzers": [
"name": "email_analyzer",
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.CustomAnalyzer",
"tokenizer": "uax_url_email",
"tokenFilters": ["lowercase"]
But the search is not working for Emusk@gmail.com. Can anyone please assist?