API V4 documentation is missing Train endpoint or is the feature missing in the GA-version?
I was just wondering this too. I think it's combined with publish, but the documentation is not clear at all. V4 also seems to be missing generateanswer.
– Sam
the generateanswer has moved to the webapp endpoint.
– Nico
Duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/50401507/…
– Nicolas R
I added a reply on the original question which is duplicated here as Microsoft team replied on Github
– Nicolas R
1 Answers
Official reply has been made on Github issue by Prashant Choudhari from Microsoft:
We do not have the train API in V4. We are re-thinking this feature and will re-enable an advanced version in a future release.
See here: https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-CognitiveServices/issues/106