I have a web application running on Azure App Services. The front-end (javascript + html + css) communicates with the backend (Flask). Both are runing on the same app service instance.
My app is protected by Active Directory Authentication (configured using Azure Portal).
User authentication to the app works perfectly. When a user navigates to the app, they are redirected to the login for our azure AD tenant. When they try to sign in, their permission to the app is controlled by their membership to an azure AD group. This bit works as expected
The challenge is that the front-end needs to send authenticated requests in order for them to actually reach the backend. They must be authenticated using a service principal token, not the user's token. And to this end, we are using the new, recommended approach; Managed Service Identity (MSI), not the service principal account workflow directly.
There are 2 stages to this:
1) Adding the authorization header 2) Ensuring that the MSI principal has access (i.e. belongs to the AD group)
1) The server generates an access token using the below code:
credentials = azure_active_directory.MSIAuthentication()
session = credentials.signed_session()
return session.headers.get("Authorization")
We then add the {"Authorization": "Bearer "} header where is the result of the above code.
This appears to work as expected - we are seeing long alphanumeric access tokens
2) The tricky bit was ensuring the MSI was added to the AD group. The GUIs at myapps.microsoft.com and mygroups.microsoft.com only allow the adding of users. Instead, I used the Azure CLI and ran the following:
a) Retrieve MSI principal ID
msiobjectid=$(az webapp identity show --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <azure app services name> --query principalId)
b) Add principal to group
az ad group member add --group <group name> --member-id $msiobjectid
We are still getting 401 Unauthorized and we have exhausted all documentation :(
I should note that I only completed step 2 (adding the principal to the azure AD group via Azure CLI) about an hour ago. Perhaps there is a delay?
Edit: my scenario is closest to https://github.com/uglide/azure-content/blob/master/articles/app-service-api/app-service-api-dotnet-service-principal-auth.md except a) I'm using MSI, not a direct service principal and b) I have an extra layer of authorization, which is the ad groups, restricting access to the app to a few users rather than the whole tenant.
claim?) – evilSnobu