I am given a weighted graph and want to find a set of edges such that every node is only incident to one edge and such that the sum of the selected edge weights is maximized. As far as I know this problem is generally referred to as maximum weight matching and there exist fast approximations for it: https://web.eecs.umich.edu/~pettie/papers/ApproxMWM-JACM.pdf
However, for my application it would be better if only a certain ratio of nodes is paired. It's more important for my application that the nodes that get paired have a high weight between them. Leaving some nodes unpaired is no big problem.
Currently, I sort the weights between nodes in descending order and always select the edge with the highest weight until I have paired a certain number of nodes. Of course I ensure that pairs of nodes are mutually exclusive. This is only a 1/2 approximation to the original problem and it's probably even worse for the modified problem.
Could you please suggest an algorithm for this issue or tell me how this problem is called?